Learn Python Exercise Six


Data Structure:

This session show how to use the list, set, tuple, dict, looping etc.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Huang Moyue"
__version__ = "0.01"
__date__ = "09/21/2014"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014 Huang Moyue"

Data Type
List example:

Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x].

Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = L.

list.insert(i, x)
Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x).

Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it. If no index is specified, a.pop() removes and returns the last item in the list. (The square brackets around the i in the method signature denote that the parameter is optional, not that you should type square brackets at that position. You will see this notation frequently in the Python Library Reference.)

Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.

Return the number of times x appears in the list.

list.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False)
Sort the items of the list in place (the arguments can be used for sort customization, see sorted() for their explanation).

Reverse the elements of the list, in place.
def listType(params):
    print("print list items below:")
    for i in params:
        print i, len(i)
def my_reverse(x,y):
    if x > y:
        return -1
    if x < y:
        return 1
    return 0

def filter_func(x):
    return x%2 != 0 and x%3 !=0

def reduce_add(x,y):
    return  x + y

def map_add(x):
    return x + x

def char2int(str):
    return {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9}[str]

def str2int(str):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x * 10 + y, map(char2int, str))

tup = (1,2,3,4,5)
Very like to list. But tuple is immutable!
def show_tuple_structure():
    tup_one = 1,2,3,4,5
    tup_two = 1235,'tuple_item'
    tup_three = tup_one, tup_two
    tup_list = ([1,2,3],[5,6,7])
    tup_four = 'hello_tuple',
    print "Print tuple:"
    print tup_one
    print tup_two
    print tup_three
    print tup_list
    print tup_four

A set is an unordered collection with no duplicate elements. 
Basic uses include membership testing and eliminating duplicate entries.
Set objects also support mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference.
def show_set_structure():
    print "set:"
    basket = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']
    print basket
    print basket
    set_a = set('abracadabra')
    set_b = set('alacazam')
    # use operations, monitor the set operations
    print "set_a, set_b:",set_a, set_b
    print "set_a - set_b:", set_a - set_b
    print "set_a | b:", set_a|set_b
    print "set_a & set_b:", set_a&set_b
    print "set_a ^ set_b:", set_a ^ set_b

Data type
    It define key-value relationship. {key, value}
    {"server":"huangmoyue", "pwd":"12345"}

def dictionaryType():
    print("dic type:")
    dic_a = {"Server":"huangmoyue","Pwd":"861117"}
    dic_b = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}
    print dic_a.keys()
    print dic_b["jack"]
    for key, value in dic_a.items():
        print(";".join((key, value)))


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = "Huang Moyue"
__version__ = "0.01"
__date__ = "09/21/2014"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014 Huang Moyue"

import unittest
from unittest import TestCase

from learnpy.learning_datastructure import listType
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import my_reverse
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import filter_func
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import reduce_add
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import map_add
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import str2int
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import show_tuple_structure
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import show_set_structure
from learnpy.learning_datastructure import dictionaryType

class Test_DataType(TestCase):
    def test_listtype(self):
        test_list = ["list1","list2","list3"]
    def test_list_inernal_function(self):
        test_list = [66.25, 333, 333, 1, 1234.5]

        #append 100 behind the test_list
        print "append 100 behind:", test_list

        ex_list = ["extend_item1", "extend_item2"]
        print "extend two items:", test_list
        print "insert one item:", test_list

        print "remove 333 from test_list:",test_list
        print "Use pop funtion:",test_list
        print "Use pop to remove 66.25:",test_list
        print "Show index(0) position:", test_list.index(1)
        print "Show the extend_item1 position:", test_list.count("extend_item1")

        print "Show before:",test_list
        print "Show sort after:",test_list
        #sorted use user define function
        print "Show before:", test_list
        print "Show my own sort function:",sorted(test_list,my_reverse)

    #filter(function, sequence) returns a sequence consisting of those items from the sequence for which function(item) is true. If sequence is a string or tuple, the result will be of the same type; otherwise, it is always a list. 
    #map(function, sequence) calls function(item) for each of the sequence’s items and returns a list of the return values. 
    #reduce(function, sequence) returns a single value constructed by calling the binary function function on the first two items of the sequence, then on the result and the next item, and so on.
    def test_functional_tools(self):
        print "Show how to use the filter:", filter(filter_func,range(2,25))
        print "Show how to use the reduece:",reduce(reduce_add, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
        print "Show how to use the map:", map(map_add, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
        print "Show how the map and reduece work together:", str2int("123456")
    #List comprehensions
    def test_list_comprehensions(self):
        #The tranditional way to create the list
        print "List Comprehensions:"
        test_tra_list = []
        for x in range(10):
        print test_tra_list
        #Obtain the same value in list
        test_comprehensions_list = [x for x in range(10)]
        print test_comprehensions_list
        #Another case
        test_comb_list = []
        for x in [1,2,3]:
            for y in [3,1,4]:
                if x != y:
        print test_comb_list        
        test_pre_comb_list = [(x,y) for x in [1,2,3] for y in [2,1,4] if x != y]
        print test_pre_comb_list
    #Nested List Comprehensions
    def test_list_nested_compreh(self):
        print "nested List comprehension:"
        matrix = [
        #Some matrix tranform methods:
        tran_one = [[row[i] for row in matrix] for i in range(4)]
        print "tran_one:", tran_one
        tran_two = zip(*matrix)
        print "tran_two:", tran_two
        tran_three = []
        for i in range(4):
            tran_three.append([row[i] for row in matrix])
        print "tran_three", tran_three
        tran_four = []
        for i in range(4):
            tran_four_row = []
            for row in matrix:
        print "tran_four:", tran_four
    #Use del to remove the list item
    def test_del(self):
        print "del item:"
        test_list = ["list1","list2","list3"]
        print test_list
        del test_list[0]
        print test_list
        del test_list       
    # tuple
    def test_tuple(self):
    def test_set(self):
        #set comprehensions
        test_set_compre = {x for x in 'abracadabra' if x not in 'abc'}
        print "set comprehensions:",test_set_compre
    def test_dict(self):
        #The dict() constructor builds dictionaries directly from sequences of key-value pairs
        print "Use the dict() constructor to build the dict:"
        print dict(sape=4139, guido=4127, jack=4098)
        print dict([('sape', 4139), ('guido', 4127), ('jack', 4098)])
        print {x: x**2 for x in (2, 4, 6)}
    #Looping Techniques
    def test_looping(self):
        print "test Loop:"
        print "Use Enumerate:"
        for i, v in enumerate(['a','b','c']):
            print i, v
        print "show two or more sequence one time:"
        questions = ['name', 'quest', 'favorite color']
        answers = ['lancelot', 'the holy grail', 'blue']
        for q, a in zip(questions, answers):
            print "what's your {0}? It is {1}.".format(q,a)
        print "Show reverse sequence: "
        for i in reversed(range(1,20,2)):
            print i
        print "Show sorted sequence:"
        basket = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']
        for s in sorted(set(basket)):
            print s
        print "Show the dict item's key-value:"
        dic_a = {"Server":"huangmoyue","Pwd":"861117"}
        for k, v in dic_a.iteritems():
            print k, v
            print ";".join((k,v))

    #slicing operations
    def test_slicing(self):
        print "Use slicing:"
        words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate']
        print words[:]
        print words[2:3]
        print words[-2:-1]

if __name__ == '__main__':